About Us

Pioneers in top notch quality care services

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Contact Us
We are more than just a registered NDIS PROVIDER

Our Vision

To enable people with disabilities to live their life with dignity and self-sufficiency by providing them with quality care, capacity building and support.

Our Mission

Pink Comfort is committed to provide comprehensive support to receive flexible and timely quality care services for people with disabilities and their families using a human centric approach.

Our Approach

We emphasize Choice and Control around participants. It’s your life choices and our support.

Pink Comfort

Pink Comfort is a reliable and independent multicultural organization and is registering as an approved National Disability Insurance Scheme(NDIS) provider. We understand the difficulty a person goes through when he/she is faced with a long- term or a short-term disability that hinders his ability for his day-to-day routine. Our experience enables us to provide the best suitable outcome to our participants. We recognise and respect their cultural heritage, beliefs and relationship with the land. Below is the list of our approval from NDIS

1. 0101 Accommodation/Tenancy
2. 0102 Assist Access/Maintain Employ
3. 0103 Assist Prod-Pers Care/Safety for COVID PPE
4. 0106 Assist-Life Stage, Transition
5. 0107 Assist-Personal Activities
6. 0108 Assist-Travel/Transport
7. 0112 Assistive Equip-Recreation
8. 0115 Daily Tasks/Shared Living
9. 0116 Innov Community Participation
10. 0117 Development-Life Skills
11. 0120 Household Tasks
12. 0123 Assistive Prod-Household Task
13. 0124 Comms & Info Equipment for IPad , Tablets and AT devices
14. 0125 Participate Community
15. 0127 Plan Management
16. 0128 Therapeutic Supports
17. 0136 Group/Centre Activities


A strong team with years of experience

Shrey M

Director of Operations

Pinal S

Client Services Manager

Vishal S


Capacity Building




Process driven

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